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Fitting Portrait and Landscape Images to One Size in Drupal

As any web developer can attest, formatting user uploaded images is a regular task with almost every project. Some of the most common challenges are formatting an image, whether it be tall or wide, to become a square or squarish image. The trouble is, when it comes to photographs of people, how can you setup an automated way to format these pics to a standard size without cutting people's heads off?! The trick is find a common focus and crop that works for both types of images.

Create a Multi-layer Map in Drupal 7 with Openlayers 2.x

There are many tutorials out there for creating maps in Drupal but most of them focus on just one layer on a map. This tutorial is for creating one map with multiple, switchable layers complete with pop-ups and a title. In the future I plan on writing more tutorials on more advanced mapping topics, such as polygons, using kml files, and other items. For now though, below are the main steps and concepts to understand with OpenLayers:

Adding your own CSS to the Admin theme

Drupal theme builders enjoy an immense degree of control over the layout of their themes via css, but in some cases the best-practices for adding your own CSS to the admin theme is less understood. There are various ways to do this but our goal is to minimize any performance cost so that the site responds as quickly as possible. Here are three approaches for Drupal 7:

Create a Multi-layer Map in Drupal 7 with Openlayers 2.x

There are many tutorials out there for creating maps in Drupal but most of them focus on just one layer on a map. This tutorial is for creating one map with multiple, switchable layers complete with pop-ups and a title. This tutorial covers creating a primary map based on one main content type and also adds an additional layer for a user's profile. This is a lengthy but thorough tutorial and I'll try to add images or a video at some point soon. The basic premise is this: A content type with two complementary fields pass address data to Openlayers which displays those maps on a Views page.

Inserting and Floating Inline Images in Drupal 7

Inserting Inline images with the body text can be approached by different methods which will give various levels of flexibility. Although there are at least half a dozen techniques, this article talks about just two in Drupal 7 - one method is quick but less flexible, while the other one takes more time to set up but offers the greatest flexibility.

Create a Drupal 6 Map with OpenLayers 2.x

OpenLayers is a tool for putting interactive maps online, displaying markers and map tiles from almost any source. OpenLayers is a pure JavaScript library for displaying map data in most modern web browsers, with no server-side dependencies. This article describes how to use the Drupal module OpenLayers to create a map displaying markers which will be taken from a node's CCK field.

Registering a Domain

Registering a domain is one of the first steps to having a website of your own. There are hundreds of registrars to choose from and the difference between them is generally price and services. For a .com domain, some registrars offer it as cheap as $9/yr while one of the old registrars currently charges $35/yr for the same name. As a web development company, PureWebMedia has a preference for registrars that combine useful tools for managing a domain with low prices. Whom you choose is up to you but here is our recommended list:

Create Effective Passwords

As your digital life grows in scope and more information about you becomes stored online, it's more important than ever to make certain you have an effective password for all your personal data. You may or may not be surprised at the most common passwords people tend to use - passwords that are easily guessed. Here is an example of common top passwords:


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