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Drupal CMS Web Development


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Angel Flight of British Columbia

affordable drupal cms web design for non-profit medical transport, Vancouver Island

Angel Flight of British Columbia is a non-profit organization which provides flights to cancer patients primarily around the Vancouver Island and some of coastal regions around Vancouver who cannot normally afford transportation for medical treatment.

Angel Flight had previously handled all their flight requests the old fashioned way - folks would call arrange a flight and what would then follow was a slew of paperwork necessary to coordinate the patients, pilots, airplanes, and so forth. Angel Flight got in touch with Pure Web Media in an attempt to simplify and automate the process. We determined that this processing could be achieved through a Content Management System using Drupal 7. Now, all the information and logistics are handled on the website itself with a small handful of staff, and using the CMS, Flight Requests are taken online. Managers are informed, set up departure information and pilots are then notified. Any pilot can volunteer for the flight and then a primary and backup pilot are chosen. The CMS prints out a flight kneeboard summary of the flight and patient data, and upon completion the distance and flight parameters are recorded - the flight, closed. 

Pure Web Media is proud to help build and sponsor the Angels and their incredibly supportive business!


Angel Flight of British Columbia